Book Note: Transforming Church in Rural America: Breaking All the Rurals

Posted: July 6, 2010 in Books, Church Growth, Evangelism, Missiology

Many thanks to New Leaf Publishing Group and Jennifer O. White for the review copy. Shannon O’Dell has written a commendable book in Transforming Church in Rural America: Breaking All the Rurals. For who have never been in ministry in a small, rural, church, this book will shed a great deal of light. For those who do serve in rural areas, and there are many, this book will resonate, and ultimately, give hope. Why would a successful staff pastor leave a large church, city, and salary to go out to the sticks? This book tells the story.

While many of the concepts that O’Dell writes about are not new,  the context in which they are set is. While there have been a handful of books written about rural ministry, few have been able to tell of the success that O’Dell has seen. More than anything, this book gives hope for those who serve in some of the most challenging areas with very limited resources. O’Dell does not paint a rosy picture about rural ministry; readers will find stories that will make them angry, laugh, cry, and jump up and down.

Throughout the book O’Dell shares the values and leadership needed to faithfully fulfill God’s mission in rural areas. The stories are inspiring. They give hope. They are accurate. This is a book that every pastor serving in a rural setting should read. Some might find qualms or questions with O’Dell’s conservative views, but these do not override the message of the book: Rural ministry is not a dead end, but with hard work, faith, and a lot of guts, rural churches can be God’s witness to those areas most would rather run from. Very inspiring; recommended.

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