Blogging Newbigin, Part 2

Posted: February 9, 2010 in Evangelism, Leslie Newbigin, Missiology

Continuing with notes from the Open Secret:
  1. Jesus announces the reign of God, is acknowledged as the Son of God, and is annointed y the Spirit (21-23).
  2. Three ways of Christian mission: proclaiming the kingdom of the Father, sharing the life of the Son, bearing witness of the Spirit (29).
  3. The Bible is unique in that in it is, in structure, a history of the cosmos (30).
  4. Israel is chosen as bear, not exclusive beneficiary, of God’s blessing for the sake of all (32).
  5. The Bible is not concerned with offering a way of escape for those who are redeemed, but rather is concerned with the action of God to bring history to its trues end (34).
  6. The reign of God means that God is sovereign ruler over all people and all things (34).
  7. Mission is faith in action (38).
  8. The reality of the reign of God is present in Jesus, in blessing and judgement (42).
  9. The idea of the church as an institution is contrary to Jesus’ eschatology (45).
  10. “As the Father sent me, so I send you” (John 20:22) (quoted on 48).
  11. Mission is the presence of God and kingship in Jesus and in the church (56).
  12. Mission is not just something that the church does, mission it is something done by th Spirit (56).
  13. It is by the action of the Holy Spirit that the church is launched (58).

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